DIY · Door Decor

January Door Decor

My New Year`s resolution is to make sure my blog post happen one time! …but don`t count on it.

Welcome to 2013, and as a way to celebrate the coldest month of the year here is my front door.

Super easy and fast! My favorite kind of projects.January Door Decor

I used popsicle sticks and hot glue.  For the ones that had to be cut I used thick wire cutters.  Make sure to cut them on an angle so that they do not have to be layered on the back.  Also, it is a good idea to cut them under a towel so they don`t fly everywhere.  2013-01-01 15.44.24

After all the hot gluing hit it with some spray paint. I used a cool light blue, I don`t think it looks very blue in the pictures.  I also added some glitter… because what`s a project with out glitter, Right!2013-01-01 15.44.36

All in all, super easy, super quick!signature

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