Craft · Wreath

September Wreath

After all the traveling, camping and catching up here we are in September.  A bitter-sweet time of the year.  Sending the kids off to another year of school, it is great to see them go but the early mornings and lunch packing can sometimes be a little bit much.

September reminds me of Back To School, but the idea of making a wreath full of school supplies was less than attractive.  I decided to use apples (the quintessential teacher’s gift), dried seed pods and acorns to welcome fall while still holding on to the last days of summer.   I found the acorns while on vacation in Nova Scotia.  My sister-in-law was not as excited as I was to see them.  But then, she has to remove them by the shovel full off of her lawn each year.   The apples are not real, but to see them and feel them you would think they were.  The poppy pods are from my own garden, they are the beautiful Royal Wedding Poppy.  I hope that they will reappear again next year in all their glory.


So what do yah think? Are you ready for Fall?

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